In the meantime, check out some frequently asked questions.

What type of church is Hoffnungsau?
We are traditionally and historically a Mennonite Church started by German Mennonite Immigrants. Our ancestors were a part of the anabaptist movement, meaning we believe in "rebaptizing" when our members are old enough to express what their faith means to them. We are active members of Mennonite Church USA. Our congregation and church location comes with a long line of traditions and rich history. You can learn move about the traditional mennonite beliefs here.
We welcome anyone who wants to learn more about Christ's Hopeful View, and believe that all people are children of Christ. We worship with a combination of traditional hymns and modern contemporary music. With members ranging in age from new born children to "well experienced" adults, we have interactive groups for all family members.
When and where do we gather?
We meet every Sunday morning in our original church location in the middle of everywhere. Occasionally in the Summer we worship outside . Our address is 43 13th Avenue, Inman KS 67546
Coffee, Cookies & Fellowship : 9:00 am
Sunday School : 9:30 am
Worship Service : 10:30 am
Wednesday Midweek (Sept - April)
Jesus & Me (JAM): 6:30 - 8:00 pm (Kindergarten - 5th Grade)
Junior High Youth: 6:30 - 7:30 pm (6th - 8th Grade)
Senior High Youth: 7:45 - 9:00 pm (9th - 12th Grade)
Our Wednesday night programs are joined together with our Sister Congregation at Buhler Mennonite Church.

What should
I wear?
We are not concerned about how people dress. We want everyone to feel comfortable and worship with us. All people are welcome!
What will the service be like?
We worship in a blended style of traditional and contemporary on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. This includes songs from the hymnals.
2nd and 4th Sundays are led by our Praise Team, and include modern contemporary worship music.
Our multigenerational services are engaging and interactive. While no one is required to participate, we love when our members share their gifts as worship leaders, special music, guest speakers, or door greeters.

What can my kids do?
We offer an Intergenerational Sunday School which includes children kindergarten through high school along with adults. The class provides a family devotional with discussion and service project activities. This is a time of interaction between children and adults while learning about God. A preschool class is available for ages 2-4.
During offering time, children collect coins for the MCC My Coins Count project.
We also encourge children to share their gifts and talents with the Congregation.
Our service often features a Children's Story time that invites kids to interact with each other and the congregation. Following Children's Story, childcare is provided for kids under 5 years of age.
Our sanctuary is equipped with a Parents' Sanctuary room where new parents are able to view the service and hear the message while soothing their babies.